My last two births have been outside of the traditional hospital setting and I am all about it. Every birth is special but I always marvel at the connection, the level of care, and the beauty of giving birth in the home or at a birth center. There’s just nothing like it.
Outside of pain medication and cesareans, midwives can handle just about any situation in birth. One of my favorite things about community midwives (or those who work outside of the hospital setting) is seeing all of the tricks, tinctures, and maneuvers they use with their clients when needed-although typically, they have very hands-off. Often times I wish I had a notebook and a second to step away to write down all of the things. Community midwives trust the process of labor and delivery and they trust you and your baby. That level of trust and knowledge just doesn’t usually show up in a hospital.
While home birth and birth center births always feel a bit magical, it’s also very evidenced-based. When you do your research you will find that birthing out of the hospital is actually safer and leads to fewer interventions for those who are low risk. Those who birth at home or in a birth center also report their satisfaction levels much higher than those who birth in a hospital. Who doesn’t want fewer interventions and more satisfaction?
If you have any desire to birth outside of a hospital, I would encourage you to take the leap and find a midwife who will allow you the space to birth however you desire. The way they support, honor, educate, and even give time and space to their clients cannot be matched.
If you need a recommendation, some of my favorites are Airalia Keime, Gerri Ryan, and Beautiful One Midwifery.